2019年11月10日 星期日

2019/11/04~2019/11/10 每週學習回顧


1. [From Tim Ferriss] 給新手父母的最佳建議
① 試圖讓孩子擁有樂觀的心態。不管遇到什麼事,那些能保持樂觀的人才能把事情往更好的地方推進一步;那些悲觀的人往往傾向抱怨但不作出改變。
② 試圖讓孩子學習寫程式。相較於其他科學,程式是能夠最快學習解決問題與 structural thinking 的方式,不需要昂貴的實驗器材,只需要一台普通電腦。
③ 試圖讓孩子學會觀察。藝術和程式設計沒有太大的區別,藝術並不是整天在用顏料調出完美的顏色,而是觀察他人的作品,吸收其中的思路與精華,而這些技能和程式不謀而合。學會觀察,就可以擁有自學大量新事物的能力。

2. [From Tim Ferriss] Tim Ferriss 每天的例行作息是早起後完成第一件事——摺棉被,接著做 meditation 約 20 分鐘,再做十到二十次簡單重複的運動,接著騎一段距離的單車到固定的一家早餐店,吃完後開始工作。他非常強調 meditation 的好處,也這也是他給 23 歲的人的其中一個建議。

3. [From Tim Ferriss] 讓自己每天都能移動一段距離,這是一個小動作,但對於一整天的心態會有莫大的影響。

2019年11月8日 星期五



1. 這篇提供的例子真的非常好,仔細揣麼一下就會發現真的一不小心就會走遠了。
2. 和上課講義的練習很像,但這裡又解釋更清楚,為什麼有些主題句差,有些主題句好。
3. 行動:開始著重於不時把機經拿出來想主題句,確定自己在大部分的題目都能快速有好的想法,才能快速下手寫完作文。

1. 行動:如果文法還是繼續錯,可以買單元式的高中文法書來啃,比較有效率。
2. 行動:如果看範文遇到優美的句子,分析結構,如果是不熟悉的結構,就自己試著造十個句子,就會熟了!(如我每次都寫 enable somebody to something,但其實可以說 somebody can develop something)。

1. 行動:以後看範文時,看他的例子中有沒有不斷點到主題句的概念,然後記得畫線。
2. 行動:每次寫完就回來看自己有沒有犯這篇提到的錯誤。
3. 行動:改掉我原本習慣鋪陳一堆的壞習慣。
4. 第二點、第三點、第四點都是我沒看解答前沒真正發現的點,我覺得看了解答後真是有種醍醐灌頂的感覺,以前欣賞英文文章的方式都有點小問題。


First of all, people want to communicate effectively, and telephones can help them do so. For instance, when I want to express my love towards my mom, I can grab my phone and give her a quick call. Furthermore, if I encountered an emergency and couldnt make it to dinner, I can simply take a rain check via my telephone. On the other hand, television is a passive tool, allowing people to receive information. Yet, people clearly can not talk to others or share opinions through TV. Apparently, television is not as effective as telephones when it comes to communication


另外看這篇也讓我想到之前在 ptt TOEFL 版上看到的 [分享] 寫作28分享
我發現,雖然作者琢磨很多在四段就好不用五段,要著重每段的內容,因為大家想到的論點都差不多。但其實他每一段寫的方式都和 SK2 教的精髓不謀而合。這個版友舉的例子都很短,但例子每個都很到位,都有解釋到題目,畫線能發現這件事。所以也是 SK2 眼光下的優良範文。

1. 兩個方法:換動詞,增減字。

提升閱讀與答題速度雜想:Speed Reading、Skimming

最近在準備托福。寫了幾回 TPO 後,發現自己看文章實在太慢了,於是決定花點時間回去練 Skim 的技巧。


剛好新訂閱了 Tim Ferriss 的電子報,在第一封信裡看到 Scientific Speed Reading: How to Read 300% Faster in 20 Minutes,還特別加註說有許多留言證明有效,於是就花了一小時左右的時間實際測試看看。

主要精神是之所以閱讀速度上不去,是因為眼球要一直動去定位文章的位置。這篇文章提到,如果我們可以也把眼角餘光拿來吸收,就會減少很多不必要的眼球定位。原本可能要一個字一個字追蹤,現在一行只要看三個固定的點,就可以讀完該知道的訊息。Tim Ferriss 這篇文章給了很詳細的操作方法,我覺得加減對自己看文章的感覺有幫助就是。

另外這一篇是 Scott 寫的對於 Speed Reading 的誤解 I Was Wrong About Speed Reading: Here are the Facts。值得一看,大概可以知道 Speed Reading 不是神物,閱讀速度到一定的標準後,再上去就是降低理解了。

還有一個蠻有趣的小玩具,spreeder,可以把一篇文章貼進去,他會用一個小框框來過所有的文字,可以調整 WPM,可以發現如果眼球都在同一個位置,閱讀速度可以上升不少。

[2019-11-08 to 2019-11-10]

因為覺得 Speed Reading 根本治標不治本,所以根據 閱讀滿分的關鍵祕密 Part 2:學會Skim 的建議,買了 黃玟君的觀念英文閱讀 2:如何快速看懂文章 來看看是否可以比較有系統的練 Skim。Skim 簡單來說,就是只看主詞和動詞,其他不重要的東西等到題目問細節時再快速定位。

這本書第一張在講原則,第二章開始就是滿滿的練習題。目前看來還算不錯,練習題有很完整的 Skim 示範,所以可以比對自己是否有作對,然後培養自己邊 Skim 邊整理思考整段大意的能力。


0. 注意廣義動詞: I told my father.
my father 不可省略,因為他是 told 的受詞,可以視作廣義動詞 told my father。

1. 注意 there 開頭: There are many things that we can do about our food, travel, and electricity to reduce the speed of global warming
這句可以精減成 There are many things to reduce the speed。注意 to reduce the speed 要保留,也是重要資訊。

2. suspect that, discover that, think that, no doubt that, say that, conclude that, affect how, notice that, explain why 不可忽略後方子句
Ex. For years scientists suspected that people with strong emotional ties to families, friends, and community enjoy longer lives than loners do.
可以精減為 scientists suspected that people enjoy longer lives. 注意 suspected 後面的 that 子句也是非常重要的,所以不能夠省略。

3. 注意辨別介系詞片語: Everywhere we look there is color.
重點是 there is color,而不是 we look there,因為 we look 是跟在 Everywhere 後面的,而重點是 there is color。

4. 注意 quote: Smiling, he said, "The children were trying to tell you that you forgot to take off the lens cap!"
quote 的內容因為是接在 said 後面,所以也是相當重要的,不然就不知道說了什麼。

5. 文法: All one has to do is say hello to 10 people on the day.
慣用法:All one has to do is + beV

6. 注意對等連接詞的存在: It is a simple act that anyone can do and it reminds us that communication is more effective than conflict.
我第一次做的時候直接把 that 後面都刪了,但仔細看才發現第一個 that 只到 and 前面,用來形容 simple act。所以可以省略成:It is a simple act and it reminds us that communication is more effective.

7. there 開頭為倒裝句,beV 為動詞,後面接的名詞為主詞。
Ex. there are buildings in Romanic, Baroque, and Rococo styles that were popular hundreds of years ago.
在這個例子中,buildings 為主詞,are 為動詞。(我原本寫成主詞是 there,動詞是 are)

8. 「廣義動詞」包含直接受詞,但如果出現了介系詞,通常就可以不看了。
Ex. Baseball attracts those fans that prefer a quieter, more complicated game. 廣義動詞為「attract those fans」(包含了受詞 those fans)
Ex. Finally, football fans seem to love the half-time activities, the marching bands, and the pretty cheerleaders. 其廣義動詞為「seem to love the half-time activities, the marching bands, and the pretty cheerleaders」,此句沒有可以省略的東西,都很重要。
Ex. He produced more than 2,000 artworks consisting of around 900 paintings and 1100 drawings and sketches. 其廣義動詞為「produced more than 2,000 artworks」。
Ex. It can be read on a personal computer or hand-held device designed specifically for this purpose 可省略為「It can be read.」,on 後面的都不重要。
Ex. E-books cannot provide the physical feel of the cover, paper, and binding of the original printed work. 可省略為「E-books cannot provide the physical feel.」,of 後面的都不重要。
Ex. These claims include requests to exchange merchandise, requests for refunds, requests that work be corrected, and other requests for adjustments. 可省略為「These claims include requests to exchange merchandise, requests for refunds, requests that work be corrected, and other requests for adjustments.」。
Ex. You may refuse the request for adjustment and even try to sell the customer more merchandise or service. 可省略為「You may refuse the request for adjustment and even try to sell the customer more merchandise or service.
Ex. For generations, mothers have been telling their children to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. 可省略為「For generations, mothers have been telling their children to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
Ex. They canoed down rivers, hiked along muddy trails, and climbed into the forest to explore and learn. 可省略為「They canoed down rivers, hiked along muddy trails, and climbed into the forest to explore and learn.
Ex. This group of islands off the coast of Ecuador has recently contracted Argentine Corpatction America to manage the redevelopment of the airport on the island of Baltra. 可省略為「This group of islands off the coast of Ecuador has recently contracted Argentine Corpatction America to manage the redevelopment of the airport on the island of Baltra.

9. Research "on ..." 不重要,重點是 "suggest ..."
Ex. Research on how chemicals in blueberries affect brain function even suggests that these chemicals may help our brains work more efficiently.
此句可以省略為「Research on how chemicals in blueberries affect brain function even suggests that these chemicals may help our brains work more efficiently.」

10. 對等連接詞:and, or, but, yet, so, for, nor 等,注意 so that 是從屬連接詞
Ex. For one hour on that day, a huge paper-cutting machine was set up in Times Square so people could destroy their lingering bad memories. 其中的 so 是對等連接詞,所以不可直接把 so 之前或之後的的東西省略掉。
Ex. There are over 2 million free books available for download so that we can save a great deal of money. 可省略為「There are over 2 million free books」,so that 是表結果或目的的從屬連接詞,所以不重要。

11. But, However, Nevertheless 等態度字不可省略
Ex. But if hugs are hard to find, the next best thing may be a god or a cat in the lap. 此句可以省略為「But if hugs are hard to find, the next best thing may be a god or a cat in the lap. 」,注意 But 要留著,句句的關係才看得出來。

12. 特殊句型:All ...
Ex. All this is happening when the customer is probably angry, disappointed, or inconvenienced. 此句主詞為 all this,動詞為 is happening。

13. There is no doubt that ... 之後的也很重要
Ex. There is no doubt that chemicals can have a stronger effect on children. 此句不宜直接把 that 後的東西省略。可簡化為「There is no doubt that chemicals can have a stronger effect on children.

14. 根據不同動詞,可適當調整省略範圍
Ex. The Cambodian tea tree grows five meters tall. 此句可不用把「five meters tall」省略,更完整的原因應該是原句所在段落恰好就是講特性,而 5 meters tall 不算太細節。(當然不必太拘泥)

15. 「:」後通常不重要,除非冒號後的是概括了後面要講的數種東西。
Ex. Now France is pushing forward with a novel approach: giving away papers to young readers in an effort to turn them into regular customers. 可省略為「Now France is pushing forward with a novel approach: giving away papers to young readers in an effort to turn them into regular customers.

16. 對於受詞是接虛擬的東西,如 world of, amount of,則要包含 of 之後的東西。
Ex. Many elderly and lonely individuals have discovered that pets satisfy their needs and keep them in the world of deep emotional relationships. 無可省略的項目,discovered that 後的名詞子句為 discover 的受詞,所以也很重要。「in the world of」因為 world 是虛擬詞,所以 of 後面的也算重要。
Ex. The French government recently detailed plans of a project called "My Free Newspaper, " under which 18- to 24-year-olds will be offered a free, year-long subscription to a newspaper of their choice. 可省略為「The French government recently detailed plans of a project called "My Free Newspaper, " under which 18- to 24-year-olds will be offered a free, year-long subscription to a newspaper of their choice.」,plans 已夠具體,所以不必看 of 後面的細節。
Ex. It should also have the minimum amount of air bubbles. 無可省略,因為 amount 是虛擬詞,所以後面的 air bubbles 也要看。
Ex. Outbreaks of avian influenza can be devastating for the poultry industry and for farmers. 可省略為「Outbreaks of avian influenza can be devastating for the poultry industry and for farmers.

17. 寫作時可用上的倒裝技巧:
Ex. These values, the commission concluded, prevented Japanese people from embracing notions of individual empowerment that would be essentials in the coming years. 的原句為「The commission concluded that these values prevented Japanese people from embracing notions of individual empowerment that would be essentials in the coming years.」

18. Practice 5 給我新的心法:對於 main idea 題,即使關鍵字在文章中被省略掉,還是得具備能嗅出這篇文章主要意圖的能力。
這題有兩個看似都合理的選項 (B) A gallery for the visually impaired (C) An exhibition of different animals,如果一味地 skim 會忽略這篇文章是在提一個比較特別的展覽,選到好像符合一部分的 (C)。這題值得好好琢磨一下。

19. it 虛主詞文法,這裡的 it 反而是指代後方的名詞子句!

Ex. So it should come as little surprise that the Internet has headlined the top 25 innovations of the past quarter century, according to a panel of technology leaders assembled to promote inventiveness.
其最開始的 it 為指代後方的「that the Internet has headlined the top 25 innovations of the past quarter century」,所以主詞為「that the Internet has headlined the top 25 innovations of the past quarter century」,動詞為「should come」。寫指代題要特別注意。
此外,這句為「That the Internet has headlined the top 25 innovations of the past quarter century should come as little surprise」的倒裝寫法。

Ex. It would take 10 people holding hands to surround the base of its trunk.
其 it 為虛主詞,指代後方的「to surround the base」。
主詞為「to surround the base」,動詞為「would take」。
這句可以看成是「To surround the base of its trunk would take 10 people holding hands.」。

Ex. It had been common practice in the United States to automatically award custody to the mother when a divorce occurred.
其 it 為虛主詞,指代後方的「to automatically award custody to the mother」。
主詞為「to automatically award custody to the mother when a divorce occurred.」,動詞為「had been」。
這句可以看成是「to automatically award custody to the mother when a divorce occurred had been common practice in the United States」

Ex. It is estimated that there are currently over 50000 pieces of man-made trash orbiting the Earth at speeds of up to 17500 mils per hour

20. 注意形容詞子句的存在
Ex. Moderate fires will clear the ground of competing plant life, and the rising heat dries and opens the ripe cones of the redwood, releasing many thousands of seeds onto the ground below. 不知道為何忘記。「releasing ...」後的可以省略。

21. 注意放在較後方的對等連接詞
Ex. For instance, Gupo Island is the largest uninhabited island in the North Sea area and the main location of seaweed production. 這句可省略為「For instance, Gupo Island is the largest uninhabited island in the North Sea area and the main location of seaweed production.」,不要看到 in 之後就把後面全部省略。
Ex. Like gifts from God, the yellow flowers that bloom between the basalt rock cracks and the beautiful songs of little singing birds on the meadows turn these islands into a paradise. 可省略為「Like gifts from God, the yellow flowers that bloom between the basalt rock cracks and the beautiful songs of little singing birds on the meadows turn these islands into a paradise.」,不要看到 that 後以為後面都是形容詞子句就刪掉。

22. 不省略動詞既定用法的介系詞,如 keep from ...
Ex. the spacesuit provides necessary oxygen supply and keeps the astronauts from feeling the extreme heat or cold outside the shuttle. 其中不用把 from ... 省略,因為那是 keep sb from sth 的用法,省略掉會沒意義。

23. 分號 ; 視作對等連接詞
Ex. Public dwellings lined its ground level; a marketplace and two mosques also fit comfortably inside.

24. 廣義動詞通常包含其後方的副詞,如數量變化等
Ex. Now, it has infested more than 275 million hectares in the country. 其中廣義動詞包含「has infested more than 275 million hectares」。

25. 「對等連接詞」即意味前後要並列
Ex. Future plans include a cooperative effort among many nations to stop littering in space and to clean up the trash already there 這句的結構為 「to stop littering in space and to clean up the trash already there」,原本把 and 前後想成 a cooperative effort 和 to clean up,但一看解析才發現我想錯了。

26. as well as 可以當成 and 對等連接詞
Ex. The new development has several important features: use of wind and solar energy, passive heating and cooling systems, as well as concrete runways in place of asphalt, which has a greater carbon footprint during its production cycle. 其中共有三點,「use of wind and solar energy」、「passive heating and cooling systems」、「concrete runways in place of asphalt」,as well as 可以當成 and。

27. 省略形容詞子句
Ex. They are places filled with giant tree lizards, sandy beaches, and tropical plants 可省略為「They are places filled with giant tree lizards, sandy beaches, and tropical plants

- 總共有 400 頁左右。
- 第一天,100 頁加整理大概花費 80min,預計再花兩天共計 4 小時來把這本書完成。
- 第二天,100 頁加整理錯誤花了 100 分鐘,平均一頁一分鐘。大概還需要 200 分鐘。
- 第三天,80 頁加整理花了 85 分鐘,平均一頁一分鐘多。
- 第四天,130 頁加整理花了 141 分鐘,平均一頁一分多。



聽 Tim Ferriss 的 Podcast 的其中一集聽到他做筆記的方式。
How to Take Notes Like an Alpha-Geek (Plus: My $2,600 Date + Challenge)

1. Tim 也是只用筆記本完成大量紀錄書中精髓的人。
2. 他的筆記系統和 Bullet Journal 不謀而合,最重要的就是建立索引系統。
3. 針對不同場合他會用不同的筆記本,比如說他只隨身攜帶 Moleskine 筆記本記重要的事。
4. 記筆記的目的是要在未來能夠用十秒鐘的時間還原閱讀時得到的新觀點與知識。
5. "call me old-fashioned, but I’ve noticed that some of the most innovative techies in Silicon Valley do the same, whether with day-planner calendars, memo pads, or just simple notecards with a binder clip. It’s a personal choice, and I like paper. It can be lost, but it can’t be deleted, and I find it faster." -- Tim Ferriss
